
  1. SALT: Part Three

    2018-07-10 14:50:02 UTC
    Southern Appalachian Loop Trail: Part 3 Leaving Brevard, Leah and I hiked local mountain trails until we arrived to the Mountains to Sea Trail. The MST was our link to the Great Smoky Mountains. After a series of adventures, we climbed toward Clingmans Dome and our reunion with the Appalachian…

  2. SALT: Part Two

    2018-07-06 00:05:00 UTC
    With the first four days in the books, Leah and I  continued hiking south toward the Chattooga River. Once there, we connected with the Southern Foothills Trail. Following the SFT east we explored steep gorges filled with incredible waterfalls and realized the physical challenges of using the Hi-lo Method for…

  3. SALT: Part One

    2018-06-26 17:20:29 UTC
    Southern Appalachian Loop Trail I first heard about the SALT last year, during a 5,000 mile bike tour across the country with Packing It Out. Riding along the Blue Ridge Parkway, I saw a lone hiker walking the shoulder of the BRP. He had the familiar look of a thru

  4. April Sunday

    2018-04-18 11:44:41 UTC
    April Sundays I focus on and appreciate the delicate warmth of my down filled quilt as I slowly open my eyes. The pale light illuminating me and my bed is neither warm nor cold - the glow remains neutral. Opening my eyes again, I stretch my jaw to yawn. My…

  5. Wayah Sunrise

    2018-04-05 15:29:05 UTC
    Nantahala National Forest_Clear/ Cold_AM I grabbed my gear from the blue green cabinet next to my bed. The house was dark and quiet as I slipped out the back door. Coffee in hand, I wandered across the rock driveway, my blue minivan came into view. Seconds later, my trusty old…

  6. Dawn Patrol…

    2018-03-22 15:37:01 UTC
    Waking to a dark room, I positioned my head near the window. Did the snow stop? Would it be a clear morning? If it was clear, I would be off to sunrise. If it was socked in, it would be a bit more challenging to find my morning motivation. Twinkling…

  7. Winter returns…

    2018-03-22 01:31:32 UTC
    Stepping onto the trail, I heard the wind moan in the distance. The white blazes I followed south blended into the pale landscape. I plowed through the accumulation with a new spring zest. Winter had returned for one last hooray. Feeling warm - I readjusted my face cover and kept…

  8. A Nantahala morning…

    2018-03-19 21:28:00 UTC
    Nantahala National Forest___Cool/ Overcast___3:23PM Looking out the kitchen window, hints of deep blue peered through the overcast skies. Sunrise was in 30 minutes. Rain was in the forecast. I decided to go for it - I decided to chase the light.  Parked at the trailhead, I hurried up the trail…

  9. Back in the woods…

    2018-03-14 16:03:51 UTC
    Nantahala National Forest___Cold/Light Snow___10:25AM I stepped out into the cold air, closing the car door behind me. Looking up, the mature trees stared down at me with the same indifference as that first time I visited them years ago. Bringing my eyes down, I focused my attention on the worn…

  10. Down the mountain…

    2018-03-12 01:44:00 UTC
    Nantahala National Forest___Overcast/Cool___6:22PM I rested patiently on Cliff Tops, waiting for the morning sun to spread it’s light across Sugarland Moutain. I was the only one there - not even the red fox wanted to break fresh trail toward the rocky ledge that I know stood. My face felt stiff…

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